Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I hope this works! Get the tissue ready!

Click the title and it should take you to the video I want you to see! Sorry Blogspot wont let me embed so I dont know how else to do it!

PS- To all the ladies who have left me little comments, they have meant the world to me and you will never know the impact they have had on me during a very difficult and hard time! Thank you thank you thank you for allowing God to use you!


  1. Awesome video. Thank you for posting it. I wanted to stop by and wish you a happy,healthy and very blessed New Year.
    Hugs, BJ

  2. Cool reminder . . . for dads and everyone.

    Blessings and Happy New Year!


    HEART OF A READY WRITER – Reading Through the Bible in 2009

  3. That video was very sweet…and so true.
    Happy New Year!
    Hope :)

  4. What a sweet video! I e-mailed it to my Dad.

    Melissa :D
