Thursday, December 25, 2008

Why I chose the title I did!

Hello everyone!

I pray that your Christmas was wonderful and that you are looking to the New Year with a renewed and exciting joy! I will be writing more as I just wanted to get my blog set up! Please feel free to leave comments and I look forward to getting to meet new people! The title for my blog is Mercy New every Morning because God truly does make all things new! My blog is based off of Lamentations 3:22-24! I will also be connecting the song New Mercy by Phillips Craig and Dean as soon as I get a chance! Remember without God making His Mercy new everyday we would not be able to have the relationship we can have with Him!



  1. This came from Her Southern Charm (she can be found at


    Thanks so much for finding me. Your friend told you to take the right path. There are so many women out there who blog about being a Godly wife. You will find a wealth of information and it will begin transforming your heart, I promise! :)

    I wholeheartedly suggest those two books that I mentioned in my first post. You can find them used on Amazon for a few dollars (that's where I got mine! Reuse, recycle!!) There is a wealth of information in both of those and I recommend that you purchase the study guides that each have as they allow you to do your own Bible study activities as you read. I've loved reading both! They both have information on how to deal with being married to an unbeliever. One of them mentioned that you should NOT preach to your husband about the Lord, nor should you force him to go to church. By you being a biblical wife and a Godly woman, he should begin to see the error of his ways. Of course this could take anywhere from a two weeks to two years! You never know how quickly God will work in someone or how hard the 'other side' is fighting for your husband. Sadly, this is the only option you have as you cannot make someone be a believer. I urge you to read those books as they say it much better than I ever could. :)

    I, too am in my beginning stages with being a Godly wife. I've been Catholic my whole life but never really was religious until I started staying home and realizing my plan for the Lord. Everyday I am still a work in progress and He is working on all of us. No one is perfect, only Him. So be confident in your ways and be thankful for the new day and new chances that He brings you each morning. :)

    Please look through my blog list as there are many wise women out there who are ready to counsel us young wives, as the Bible has instructed them to do so. I would suggest Warm Pie, Happy Home. Not only is her blog BEAUTIFUL but she is a great spiritual guide. I've gone to her many times with questions and she is so loving. Good luck!
    Jennifer <><

  2. Hello, Shauna! Thank you for visiting my blog. ; ) I am happy to see your blog and to be reminded again of God's great mercy. I love your blog title; it was a sweet reminder of God's merciful love toward me.

  3. Dear Shauna,
    I have lately been very encouraged by these scriptures and think on them often as I pray. How wonderful that His compassions never fail! I am learning more each day about the love of God.

    I want to welcome you to the Biblical Submission study, and I look forward to returning to your blog to read your posts.

    Love, Hope :)

  4. Hi Shauna,

    That is a great title for your blog.
